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Payneteasy mPOS SDK


Payneteasy mPOS SDK is a mobile payment software & hardware package that allows you to quickly and easily start offering a mobile payment service, with your brand name (white-label) and tailored to your needs. Using an affordable mobile point of sale (mPOS) terminal, allows you business customers, such as taxi services or small retail outlets, to extend their business to non-cash payments and will allow you to get a percentage of all the payments.

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Get Started with iOS Get Started with Android

Supported Terminals

MiuraM006, M010, M007Bluetooth, USB, Wi-Fi
VerifoneVx820Ethernet, USB, RS232
PAXSP30Ethernet, USB, RS232

Latest versions

iOS - (https://github.com/payneteasy/PaynetEasyReader/releases)

Android - (http://paynet-qa.clubber.me/reader/maven/com/payneteasy/android/reader/)

Test Processor on our sandbox

1.00APPROVEDPurchase, Final Advice
4.00DECLINEDPurchase, Final Advice
1000.01APPROVEDPurchase, Final Advice with PIN Online test. Note only test cards can this test
  • You can use any card
  • If your card asks ARQC our host replies with Authorisation Response Code = 'Z3' (Unable to go online, offline declined).

Paynet QA environment


Client RequestServer Response
/saleasync response
/statusstatus with validating
/adviceasync response
/statusstatus approved


Client RequestServer Response
/saleasync response without order id
/statusstatus with validating
/adviceasync response
/statusstatus approved

5.00 APPROVED (first status sleep)

Client RequestServer Response
/saleasync response without order id
/statusstatus with validating, sleep for 70 seconds
/statusstatus with validating
/adviceasync response
/statusstatus approved

5.01 APPROVED (sale sleep)

Client RequestServer Response
/saleasync response without order id, sleep 70 s
/statusstatus with validating
/adviceasync response
/statusstatus approved

5.03 APPROVED (sale sleep after advice)

Client RequestServer Response
/saleasync response without order id, sleep 70 s
/statusstatus with validating
/adviceasync response again
/statusstatus, sleep for 70 seconds
/statusstatus approved

6.00 APPROVED (sale with 503 status, approved)

Client RequestServer Response
/sale503 error
/statusstatus with validating
/adviceasync response again
/statusstatus approved

6.01 APPROVED (status with 503 error, approved)

Client RequestServer Response
/saleasync response without order id
/statusstatus returns 503 error
/statusstatus with validating
/adviceasync response again
/statusstatus approved

6.02 APPROVED (advice with 503 error, approved)

Client RequestServer Response
/saleasync response without order id
/statusstatus with validating
/advicereturns 503 error
/adviceasync response again
/statusstatus approved

6.03 APPROVED (status after advuce with 503 error, approved)

Client RequestServer Response
/saleasync response without order id
/statusstatus with validating
/adviceasync response again
/statusstatus returns 503 error
/statusstatus approved


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