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Boaz Gam Boaz Gam

Boaz Gam - page 17

Prior to his current position as CEO of the leading payment and compliance platform provider Payneteasy, Boaz’s background included the benchmarks of CEO at Aquitek Systems, and Director of Sales at RAD, an Israeli IT firm. He holds a BA in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Tel Aviv University.
Boaz Gam

Recent articles

By Boaz Gam
4 min

Local Payment Methods: The Cornerstone of Cross-Border Success

Businesses that aim to operate internationally often tend to be so involved in setting up globally accepted payment methods that they overlook the local ones. However, it is crucial not to skip this step, as successful market entry is unimaginable without it.

By Boaz Gam
5 min

What Is Visa Compelling Evidence 3.0 & How to Prepare for It?

Friendly fraud is a compounding issue that is all too familiar to merchants. It occurs when a consumer makes an online purchase with their payment card and then disputes the charge. Sadly, over the past few years, the number of such fraudulent instances leading to chargebacks has grown significantly along with the rise of eCommerce.

By Boaz Gam
5 min

Main Payment Trends You Are Sure to See in 2023

As the world is gradually recovering from the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak, consumers can now make purchases in person without putting their health at risk. However, while shoppers have returned to brick-and-mortar stores, they haven’t given up on digital payments that experienced rapid growth during the pandemic.

By Boaz Gam
26 min

The Complete Apple Pay Overview

Digital wallets and contactless payments have seen a surge in popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic, with Apple Pay being one of the tech solutions prospering at the time. The plethora of benefits this payment method offers and Apple’s course on innovation make it clear that this upward trend will continue.

By Boaz Gam
1 min

Payneteasy Joins the Ranks of Google Pay’s Certified Participating Processors

We're extremely proud to announce that Payneteasy has officially become a part of the community of gateways and payment processors supporting the Google Pay API.

By Boaz Gam
6 min

EU’s DSA and DMA Receive Final Approval - What’s Next?

The Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA) are legislative proposals of the European Commission that aim to build a safer online space by protecting users’ fundamental rights and establishing a fair playing field for businesses.

By Boaz Gam
5 min

Visa Enables Installments: What Does It Mean for Businesses?

Buy now, pay later services are installment-based payment schemes that have experienced a surge in popularity over the past few years and have become a prominent part of modern eCommerce. In fact, BNPL hit $1.6 trillion in global market value in 2020, showing a 5% year-over-year increase and outpacing credit card expenditure which declined by 4% during the same period.

By Boaz Gam
6 min

How to Integrate Google Pay & Why You Should Do It

Introducing various payment methods into your business operations is essential for matching your customers’ preferences and staying ahead of the competition. However, not every payment option will suffice - statistically, there’s a chance of losing up to 80% of your clients due to the presence of a payment service that is inconvenient or untrustworthy.

By Boaz Gam
5 min

The G20 Roadmap: a Crucial Step for Cross-Border Payments

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the so-called “decade of action” is unfolding as regions across the globe experience severe economic contraction and go through the recovery process. This is reflected in many ways, including the adjustments in achieving the international sustainable development goals (SDGs) - the strategy countries should follow for a better future for the planet.

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