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Boaz Gam Boaz Gam

Boaz Gam - page 18

Prior to his current position as CEO of the leading payment and compliance platform provider Payneteasy, Boaz’s background included the benchmarks of CEO at Aquitek Systems, and Director of Sales at RAD, an Israeli IT firm. He holds a BA in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Tel Aviv University.
Boaz Gam

Recent articles

By Boaz Gam
4 min

Payneteasy 3DS Adapter: Your Ally in Preventing Friction at Checkout

Achieving the balance between advanced payment security and a smooth shopping experience is an omnipresent challenge for online merchants. This dilemma is especially prominent nowadays, as sellers face regulations that require multiple authentication steps and make order placement less vulnerable to fraud yet more time-consuming and complex.

By Boaz Gam
4 min

A Closer Look at the Potential of the Request-to-Pay Scheme

Request-to-Pay is an emerging messaging framework that is becoming increasingly popular as a value-added service for real-time payments. As the name suggests, this solution enables payees to request payments digitally from consumers, which the latter can choose to either accept or reject.

By Boaz Gam
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Payments in B2B Marketplaces: Challenges, Solutions & Trends

Marketplaces are expected to account for 30% of global online business-to-business sales by 2024, taking a leap from $680 billion in 2018 to an estimated $3.6 trillion. This phenomenal growth requires adjustments from B2B eCommerce platforms in a variety of aspects, including the way they accept payments.

By Boaz Gam
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3 Ways to Offer Your Clients Express Checkouts

Every online merchant is familiar with losing a sales opportunity when the consumer was already about to pay for their order. While there are multiple reasons why this could happen, a long or complicated checkout process is one of the major decisive factors, accounting for 26% of shopping cart abandonment cases.

By Boaz Gam
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The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) Explained

DORA, the Digital Operational Resilience Act, is a regulation with a goal to ensure that all participants in the financial system have the necessary resources to mitigate cyber attacks and recover from disruptions associated with fraudulent activity. While this piece of legislation is still in the making, it’s expected to get the final approval already by the end of 2022.

By Boaz Gam
3 min

SEPA Vs. SEPA Instant: What Is Better for Your Business?

If you conduct business on the European continent, you have definitely dealt with SEPA transactions. This money transfer service once revolutionized the payments landscape across a number of Euro and non-Euro countries by creating a unified network in place of a fragmented ecosystem.

By Boaz Gam
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How Can Merchants Adapt to New BNPL Laws in the UK & Beyond?

Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) is one of the biggest eCommerce trends that has gained impressive prominence over the past few years. While being an accessible way for consumers to acquire products that otherwise would have been difficult to afford, it has also raised concerns regarding the inability of some people to cover the loans they take out.

By Boaz Gam
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A2A Payments Overview: Market Position & Latest Advancements

Account-to-account (A2A) transactions are swiftly overtaking cash and bank cards and are predicted to comprise 20% of global eCommerce payments by 2023. Seizing the A2A momentum requires an understanding of the latest developments related to this payment method and its perspectives in the international market.

By Boaz Gam
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How to Unlock More Value in the Changing Retail Landscape?

The major shifts in the retail landscape, payment habits, and consumer behavior that arose during the pandemic are expected to continue solidifying their presence in 2022 and onwards. For merchants, this calls for agility to stay on top of emerging trends and insightfulness to understand how to make the most out of them.

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