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Boaz Gam Boaz Gam

Boaz Gam - page 2

Prior to his current position as CEO of the leading payment and compliance platform provider Payneteasy, Boaz’s background included the benchmarks of CEO at Aquitek Systems, and Director of Sales at RAD, an Israeli IT firm. He holds a BA in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Tel Aviv University.
Boaz Gam

Recent articles

By Boaz Gam
3 min

Why Financial Service Providers Need to Tap into the Middle Market

In many cases, the financial industry tends to focus on two opposite sides of the business spectrum: small firms and large enterprises. While both of these organization types deserve the attention they receive, there is another segment with its own peculiarities and unique needs that often seems to be left out - mid-market companies.

By Boaz Gam
4 min

Your Guide to the Key Payment & eCommerce Trends of 2024

If you are involved in commerce, you are very well aware of the dynamic nature of the payment landscape. After all, things like customer preferences, fraud threats, tech solutions, and regulations keep changing all the time, creating an environment that is full of opportunities yet may be difficult to navigate.

By Boaz Gam
5 min

Payments in the Middle East: Key Innovations in the UAE & Beyond

In recent years, the payment landscape in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the broader Middle East region has been experiencing a significant transformation. While this process may seem like a consequence of technological progress alone, its roots go deeper and are related to cultural nuances, shifting consumer preferences, and strategic governmental efforts.

By Boaz Gam
5 min

What Are the Winning iGaming Payment Trends in 2024?

To effectively navigate the dynamic world of iGaming, both operators and players must always be ready to adapt to new trends swiftly. Staying up to date is particularly important when it comes to payments, as they often shape the industry’s evolution trajectory. After all, the ease and efficiency of fund transfers directly impact player satisfaction and retention rate.

By Boaz Gam
3 min

Mobile Payment Interoperability in Southern Europe & Beyond

The Southern European financial landscape has long been characterized by fragmented and unsynchronized mobile money transfer services. Yet, a recent development promises to reshape this reality! At the end of 2023, Spain’s Bizum, Italy’s Bancomat, and Portugal’s SIBS signed a letter of intent to join forces and promote the interoperability of their respective mobile payment solutions.

By Boaz Gam
6 min

How Is the Digital Euro Expected to Impact the Financial Ecosystem?

If you are involved in the fintech scene, you have probably heard about the pan-European plan to introduce the digital euro in the foreseeable future. This is big news for the industry, as it is not just another technological milestone - it’s a major leap toward integrating digital currencies into mainstream financial systems and reimagining the way we conduct payments.

By Boaz Gam
7 min

European Payment Regulations: Trajectory for 2024 & Beyond

In the modern European payments landscape, staying compliant with the latest regulations is a key priority for businesses. After all, it isn’t just about ticking boxes - it is about ensuring transaction security and building a fault-free reputation. However, keeping track of the rules and guidelines can be a challenging task due to the pace at which they are changing.

By Boaz Gam
4 min

Payment Innovation in LATAM: Key Trends & Challenges Overview

Contrary to popular belief, many industry experts agree that Latin America’s financial landscape offers greater potential for innovation than the seemingly more developed payment scene of the United States.

By Boaz Gam
4 min

AI-Based Risk & Fraud Prevention: A Glance at Visa’s New Solutions

The modern market is full of novel digital solutions that optimize daily processes for businesses and consumers alike. However, while fintech tools actively evolve, so do fraudulent practices. In response to these unwanted shifts, payment service providers are hopping on the AI trend and introducing new techniques to safeguard sensitive data and promote transaction security.

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