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Boaz Gam Boaz Gam

Boaz Gam - page 20

Prior to his current position as CEO of the leading payment and compliance platform provider Payneteasy, Boaz’s background included the benchmarks of CEO at Aquitek Systems, and Director of Sales at RAD, an Israeli IT firm. He holds a BA in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Tel Aviv University.
Boaz Gam

Recent articles

By Boaz Gam
4 min

3 Main Mistakes Businesses Make with Touch-Free Transactions

The convenience of contactless payments is winning the hearts of more and more consumers worldwide. The global market value of such transactions is projected to nearly quadruple by 2026, reaching $51.07 billion, which makes it clear: this trend is here to stay.

By Boaz Gam
5 min

How to Boost Checkout Conversions in 5 Simple Steps

The checkout process is one of the fundamental parts of the customer journey that can play a decisive role in a person’s shopping experience. Despite the rapidly changing consumer behavior, for many online merchants there is one long-pending issue that remains stagnant - card abandonment.

By Boaz Gam
4 min

Tapping Into the Potential of Africa’s Payment Industry

While Africa’s emerging market offers plenty of growth opportunities for various types of businesses, organizations that deal with digital transactions are the ones that will explore the local potential to the fullest. But what exactly can the merchants and PSPs entering the continent’s payments ecosystem expect?

By Boaz Gam
5 min

The Latest Gen Z Payment Trends and What Drives Them

Gen Z, the "digitally native" cohort, currently makes up approximately 24% of the global population and has significant spending power. According to a 2021 Bloomberg report, students and young professionals belonging to this generation already command a disposable income of $360 billion and counting.

By Boaz Gam
5 min

Asia-Pacific Region: Driving Change in Global Payments

The world’s retail eCommerce sales are expected to rise from $4.2 trillion in 2020 to $7.3 trillion by 2025. One of the main contributors to such rapid growth is the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, with its focus on innovation in the payments technology field.

By Boaz Gam
4 min

How Can Merchants Make the Most Out of Payments Data Analytics?

It is not an overstatement to say that data drives commerce. Merchants worldwide collect information to analyze it and make business decisions based on the gained insights.

By Boaz Gam
5 min

When Will the World Be Ready to Go Cash-Free?

The use of coins and banknotes has been declining worldwide over the past years. In 2021, cash payments accounted for only 18% of the global transaction value, and their share is expected to drop even more - down to 10% already by the end of 2025.

By Boaz Gam
4 min

A Merchant’s Guide to Tap to Pay: from Fundamentals to Future Insights

In 2021, over two-thirds of merchants were already accepting contactless payments, and their number continues to grow fast due to the increasing demand. The technology behind this trending transaction type is called “Tap to Pay”.

By Boaz Gam
4 min

Biometric Payment Cards: Will They Become a Worldwide Trend?

Fingerprint-based cards were first introduced decades ago but failed to gain traction because they seemed overcomplicated at the time. However, following the pandemic, they are having a grand comeback in a number of markets.

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