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Boaz Gam Boaz Gam

Boaz Gam - page 19

Prior to his current position as CEO of the leading payment and compliance platform provider Payneteasy, Boaz’s background included the benchmarks of CEO at Aquitek Systems, and Director of Sales at RAD, an Israeli IT firm. He holds a BA in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Tel Aviv University.
Boaz Gam

Recent articles

By Boaz Gam
5 min

Modern Ways of Implementing QR Codes in Business & Commerce

Over 4% of all online purchases in the world are conducted via QR codes, and we are sure to see this figure grow in the upcoming years. Already by 2025, 29% percent of mobile users across countries are forecasted to be using this payment type, with the global transaction volume expected to reach $2.7 trillion.

By Boaz Gam
5 min

The Power of Social Shopping: How Can Vendors Leverage It?

Nowadays, nearly every social network offers its users an opportunity to make in-app purchases. This type of shopping is gaining popularity fast - 98% of consumers are planning to place at least one order using social media in 2022, a giant leap compared to 68% from the year before.

By Boaz Gam
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What to Expect from the Payments Landscape in 2025 & Beyond?

We live in an age when technology evolves at an unprecedented pace, accompanied by impactful global events and dramatically shifting consumer preferences. Such dynamics make merchants, financial institutions, PSPs, and industry experts ponder what the payments landscape will look like in the years to come.

By Boaz Gam
4 min

Real-Time Payments in the Americas: Potential & Challenges

The modern pace of life dictates the need for instant cross-border money transfers. Real-time payments (RTP) play a pivotal role in catering to this demand, as they are settled in a matter of seconds from the moment of initiation.

By Boaz Gam
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What Are SMS Payments and How Can They Boost Sales?

The popularity of m-commerce sales is growing at a phenomenal speed. In the US alone, retail mobile sales hit $359.32 billion in 2021, demonstrating a 15.2% increase from the year before, and are expected to more than double by 2025, reaching $728.28 billion.

By Boaz Gam
8 min

The Complete Guide to Online Payment Methods: Types, Benefits & Optimization Tips

Nowadays, it’s difficult to imagine a successful and rapidly growing business that doesn’t accept payments online. What’s more, simply enabling customers to make purchases via the Internet is not enough to ensure a smooth shopping experience. Modern customers expect fast checkout, a variety of payment methods, frictionless transactions, and so on.

By Boaz Gam
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Voice Payments: A Fleeting Trend or the Future of eCommerce?

Voice technology is transforming our lives in many ways, assisting us in spheres like cybersecurity, customer service, healthcare, and beyond. The finance sector has also adopted voice-based solutions, enabling consumers to make money transfers, conduct purchases, and pay their bills.

By Boaz Gam
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Everything You Need to Know About Payments in the Metaverse

Mark Zuckerberg called the metaverse “the next chapter of the internet,” while Satya Nadella said, “it's not only transforming how we see the world but how we participate in it.” Indeed, the metaverse is already far more than some distant concept, but rather a whole new world in the making.

By Boaz Gam
5 min

How Will Apple Pay Later Influence the Future of BNPL?

The pandemic has marked the beginning of BNPL’s heyday - the value of global purchases using this payment method hit $120 billion in 2021, four times the amount spent in 2019. Even in post-COVID times, Buy Now, Pay Later continues its growth in popularity across the world, with its market value estimated to reach $576 billion by 2026.

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